Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Packers or Pack It In?

This is a business blog right?  Today, we will focus on sports and business….and team work … and leadership. 

What caught my eye and passion this week to write about?  The Packers.  More specifically, the Green Bay (football) Packers.  A franchise steeped in tradition and winning.  The underdog of underdogs.  A small-market team who seemingly always win in a city with about 100,000 inhabitants.  This is a city with botanical gardens, railroad museums, an amusement park, a zoo, performing arts, some craft breweries, a football team AND a lot of pride.  It is cold.  It is small town.  It is Titletown USA.

With that pride comes expectations.  Expectations of winning.  Expectations of leadership.  Expectations of the team.  Expectations of management. Those last four expectations could be written about Pepsi, Apple, Macy’s or even your own business. So…what is the point today Dave?  Well the point is, the Packers lost their on-field leader, Aaron Rodgers, on Sunday.  For.  The.  Season.

How do teams respond when they lose a leader?  We all lose leaders in our careers through promotions, attrition, career changes, relocation, personal reasons, and sometimes even sadder circumstances (we all hate Cancer, right?).

I think, (much like in business) watching how the team, how management, how the public responds will be an interesting case study.  Will the team blame their failures on the loss of a leader?  Will they rise to the challenge and bond more tightly and win without their leader?  Will they rally around the new leader to provide encouragement and support?  Will there be dissention in the ranks undermining their success?  Sound familiar?

Leading in the unknown.  How do we do this?  At Gannett, we have partnered with SY Partners to work with our leaders on this.  Our work centers around 4 key areas:  Optimism, Creativity, Authentic Communication and Humanity.  Will the Packers leadership (coaches, upper management, the new QB) see and outline the possibilities for the team which will grab their teammates faith in winning?  Will the Packers leadership lay out a plan on their new way to move forward – even if the road will be bumpy?  Will the Packers leadership communicate authentically – not backing down from the truth of the situation – but using it to build belief in the future?  Will the Packers leadership create an environment allowing the other members of the team to step up and become better at their respective positions to offset what they lost and build success?  Will the team come together or spread apart?

Are these challenges new?  Are they specific to football?  Are they insurmountable?  My view is no, no and no. It takes effort to step up, step in and stabilize your team (and yourself).  It takes leadership.  Will you have all the answers…no.  Will you be able to control everything….no.  Will you be in command of everything … no.  What can you do?

Adapt. Become a better version of yourself.  Continuously improve.  Challenge the unknown.  Envision the path to success.  Create possibility for your teams.  Work together.  Communicate openly.  Focus on the path to success not the obstacles in the way.  Be confident that not all answers are needed today.  Be confident that a team is better than an individual.  Be confident that no one individual (even as much as I love Aaron Rodgers) is bigger than the mission.  Be confident that the team looks to you for leadership.

Will the Packers continue to win or will they pack it in?  Will your team continue to win or will they pack it in?  Through Optimism, Creativity, Authentic Communication and Humanity you can lead your team to better results and loftier goals.  Challenge the unknown WITH your team.  Together.  We.  Win.

Dave Harmon

People Division
Kindness is Currency

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