Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Appreciating What You Have...Before It's Gone

I returned to the basketball court this Sunday morning.  Why is that newsworthy?  Well, me playing basketball is NOT newsworthy.  Returning to something you love - that was taken away from you is newsworthy.  Or at least blogworthy (I am not sure that is a word?!).

For the last 15 years I have been playing basketball 2-4 times per week.  Some games are very competitive, others are just friendly pick up games.   But all of these games provide three important things in my life: fun, exercise and stress relief.   In that order.  So in early summer when I planted my right knee for a jump shot - my entire hoops passion came crashing down (literally and figuratively).   My knee just buckled. 

Coach always asked, "hurt or injured". We all played "hurt".   This time I was injured.   I knew it when I stood up. As fate would have it, five guys (not the burger joint) playing that night were doctors.  They checked my knee out and said, "you should probably go to the ER".   They offered to take me to the hospital, to drive me home, to drive me to work.  Amazing stuff. 

Well, long story short, the entire list of damage was this: tear of lateral meniscus, distal femur fracture, proximal tibia fracture, tear of the iliotibial band, sprain of lateral collateral ligament, and a bunch knee joint fluid build up.  It was not enjoyable to say the least. 

Like many things in life,  we take mobility for granted until it is taken away.  Sleeping was tough, driving was tough, carrying my iPad was work, going through doors on crutches made me really appreciate the ADA.  Putting on my sock, going down stairs ... you get the idea.  

Five decades and I have never been out of commission this long.  I know it happens to all of us in some form or fashion - we lose a loved one (see my blog on losing my dog, Bella), we move to a new town, we lose a job, people lose limbs, we lose our parents, we wreck our car, we lose a college roommate.  These are life altering events.  We make promises to change ... and many times we do.  Usually for the better.   We appreciate the little things more.  We become more empathetic.  We understand.

What was the biggest surprise to me besides missing basketball?   I missed the social interaction.  These are guys who do not care what my job is, how much money I have, what my race or religion is, how much I weigh (ok so there are a few jokes there), or even how old I am.   They care that I can play ball, that I am not a jerk, that I laugh at our foibles, and that I am a team player.  

At least twenty different guys checked in on me while I was out.  Many of these guys I only interact with on the basketball court.  Some for the last 15 years.   I was pleasantly surprised.  They cared about me as a member of their team (loosely defined).  They sent emails, they sent beer, they brought me food.   Wow. 

On the court, we are united in our quest for the better pass, the game winning stop, the surprise steal, the unnoticed pick.  And we are all there to laugh at father time.  We are not twenty anymore in our skills - but we enjoy the game just as much - if not more (especially when it is taken away).  We relish those Thursday nights or Sunday mornings because we are all there together enjoying one of our passions.

United in our passion.  Together.   We.   Win.  

..... and I'm back!!!

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/davidharmonhr

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