Thursday, March 23, 2017

Do you have a bucket list?

Bucket lists.  We hear about these a lot lately.  Thanks Morgan Freeman.  Do you have a life bucket list?  Italy, skydiving, playing the drums, Harley ride to Sturgis, and anything with my wife and kids. These are a few on my list.  

What about work?  Have you thought about your work bucket list?   We all have career aspirations, but what is important to you beyond getting "that job"?   If you write down a list of all the things you want to achieve it can be extremely motivating and help to keep you focused.  We all have differing careers and interests which may drive our lists.  Here are some thoughts I have:

I want to master social media.   Not in a Kardashian way, but become a followed HR expert who can share my knowledge, experience and any wisdom I have with others.  To be helpful in providing insight to others to make their lives better.  I want to be relevant and funny, inspiring and thought provoking, and mostly .... helpful.  

I want to fundamentally change performance management in Corporate America. Less administration, more neuroscience, more conversations, less stress, more forward focus, less politics, more automation, etc.  We have piloted a few ideas in the last few years ... and we are close.   SMART goals, succession planning, the correct compensation models.   These were well meaning when they were created but the models need updating.  Soon. 

I want to be a better listener.  I want to focus more.  Be less distracted.  Be in the moment.  Understand their point of view ... completely.  Listen to learn not listen to respond.  Be more patient. This is a life long journey.  Better than I was a decade ago, not yet where I want to be.  

I want to make a difference everyday.  I want to go to bed every night knowing I made a difference with somebody each and every day.  Random acts of kindness.  Thoughtful acts of development.  Empathetic acts of support.  Spontaneous acts of fun.  It takes thought and action to make this happen.  

I want to be better at work life balance.  Not less hours worked, but ensuring my priorities are aligned with the important issues in my life.  This includes my wife, my kids, my Dad, my health, my adrenaline, my career, my hobbies, my sports, my passions, my friends, a long list to keep balanced.

I want to retire early.  From Corporate America.  To make a difference with those less fortunate.   To be more like my wife and her involvement with kids in the community. Her selflessness, her giving spirit, her caring.  She is special. 

I want to be better.  Learn more.  Open to change.   Take risks.  Be nicer.  Help others.   Have fun. 

My list has a few more, but this is my work bucket list.  What is yours?  

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency

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