Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Issues Not Sides

If you are like me, and many others in the United States today – you are probably saddened by the state of the culture we live in.  We have made decisions (and made decisions to NOT make decisions) which has led us to a place of too much tension.  I am not taking any sides in my blog today – my issue is with our lack of progress against very real issues facing our country.   I am watching …daily … friendships dissolving over political side taking and “all or nothing” views on issues.  It is sad to watch, regardless of your side or views or affiliation. We have lost our focus – it is not a right or wrong discussion; it should be about issues and facts and resources and decisions. 

Let us not forget some words written so eloquently a few centuries ago: “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

We are losing our way.  We are becoming too focused on which “side” we are on versus the very real issues facing our nation.  We are too focused on the “people” who were elected vs the decisions they may or may not make.  We are too focused on “things” with not enough focus on the issues.  We seem to be more focused on the “fight” and not on the “solution.” Healthcare is a good example – I do not pretend to know how to solve this, but guess what? We all have family or friends with healthcare issues and financial issues associated with healthcare.  We need to work together with people who understand the system, the laws, the resources and look for something that works for all citizens of the United States.

We have not rebuilt inner cities, we need to curb the crime in our big cities, we need to feed the children in our country who struggle to eat every day, we need to curb the domestic abuse occurring across all demographics, provide solutions for gender and abortion issues, we need to understand our first amendment issues, we need to be more aware of our growing water crisis, we need to find resolutions for our pipeline issues, we need the facts and open discussion on climate change, we need to truly understand how to break the cycle of poverty, we need to help end large scale conflicts (and wars)… and the list goes on.  These are not issues meant for posturing or rhetoric – WE NEED REAL FACT-BASED DISCUSSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND …(someday) SOLUTIONS.

I do not sit behind my desk pretending to have the answers, or even pointing my finger to blame someone, but what I do know is that “we the people” need to start to use our collective voices to focus on solutions to these major problems affecting all of us in some capacity.

I think what we need is for both sides to show up and work toward the best outcome.  Both sides put forth the best effort for the people.  Both sides work toward solving issues. Like going to a sporting event where both sides play their heart out in a civilized manner.  

Let me close on a lighter note.  Do I like the Green Bay Packers?  Yes.  Do I like the New York Giants?  Not really.  Would we have a football game if the Giants did not show up?  Nope.  Do I like the 31-30 victory better than the 31-0 victory?  Sure do.  Knowing that both sides gave it their all and played their hearts out.  Left it all on the field collectively.  That is all I wish for.

Together. We.  Win.

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/davidharmonhr

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