Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I looked in the mirror and saw...Harvey

I looked in the mirror when I awoke this morning and all I saw were the people affected by Hurricane Harvey (truth - what I actually saw was a middle-aged guy who could lose a few pounds) but all I could think about was the people impacted by Mother Nature.  If you are like me, we all received a huge wake-up call this week as we watched Harvey unfold through Corpus Christi into Houston and now along the Gulf Coast. 

First lesson – we can never outsmart Mother Nature.  She always wins.

The loss of lives, the financial impact, the loss of homes, and the loss of faith and hope all unfolded before our eyes on national television and in every story we read.  Watching all of this, I knew I couldn’t write about work in my blog this week when a tragic event of this magnitude continues to cripple our country.  Estimates of over $160 billion (Katrina was $35 billion) in losses.  Estimates of 52 plus inches of rain…52 inches (that is above your stove, your couch, your bed)!  At least 2 million homes damaged or destroyed and still climbing (80% of residents do not have homeowner’s or flood insurance).  Our largest US oil refinery shut down (gas prices will spike $.25/gallon in a few short days).  Tragic.  

Second lesson – we will never FULLY understand the impact of this storm.

What have we seen?  In light of my blog last week on “Issues vs Sides”, it has been encouraging to see how a tragic event like this forces us to all step back and evaluate what is really important.  Seeing the stories everyday of people helping people in need regardless of political views, race, economic status, geography, etc. is what we should be about every day.  Caring.  

Third lesson – tragedy often does bring out the BEST in people.

From inspiring stories of personal rescues, the Cajun Navy, armies of out of state folks driving their boats to Houston, airlines (yes airlines!) waving change fees, mattress stores opening their doors to allow people to sleep inside, celebrities behind the scenes (in real time – thanks Tyler Perry) immediately helping folks who have lost everything, firefighters forming human chains to rescue citizens of Houston, people opening their doors and wallets, victims of Katrina paying it back to help Houston.  The list goes on and on.  As one Houston radio station tweeted, “Harvey has taken a lot, but it will NEVER take our humanity”.  Perseverance.  

Fourth lesson – we are a better nation today than we have shown the world in the last few months.  I will ask you this though, why should it have to take a tragedy of this magnitude to make us realize what is important and bring us together past our cultural and societal differences?

I am a big proponent of “paying it forward” and “kindness is currency”.  Now is the time to help out our brothers and sisters across America.  Give love, give time, give resources, give dollars, give prayers.  Just give.

Final lesson –   Together.  We.  Win.

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency

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