Monday, July 24, 2017

What about Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones, the Newsletter…did you know that USA TODAY NETWORK has one?  We do.  We are doing many exciting things for you (the consumer) and for you (our employees).  Let me share some of those things with and you and also why I have so much fun working here.   We are connected to what is happening in this country every day, every hour, every minute.  From Federer doing it again in tennis, to a six-month analysis of how our President is doing, to our previously mentioned Game of Thrones newsletter, to the latest with North Korea, to Charlie Gard, to a cool virtual reality experience on an aircraft carrier.  It is a rush to walk through the newsroom and just listen to what is happening, what we are working on and gain insight into the next big investigative piece (see Olympic gymnasts, lead in the water, etc.).

It is exciting to me to be part of an organization that empowers communities to connect, act and thrive.  To make a difference.  To be THE DAILY DESTINATION for our readers seeking meaningful connections with their communities.  Each one of us – we want local news from where we live and also national news about what is happening across the U.S.  Our unique local-meets-national presence has established an unprecedented network that spans our nation’s communities.  We are unique – no other news organization can offer what we can.  It allows us to hire employees in Palm Springs; in Phoenix; in Lafayette, Louisiana; in Naples, Florida; in Milwaukee; and in Rochester NY – and allow each and every employee to make a local impact and also a national impact with the work they do.  A “small town” reporter can have a national story overnight!  We deliver the stories that are within the story.  Our users spend almost 2 billion minutes a month with us!   We have the advantage of being one network with many voices.  From your local township to the national stage, we keep you informed with what interests you most. When your hometown celebrates, we all share in that joy. When our nation is challenged, we band together as a community. Our voices are strongest together.  Together.  We.  Win.

Our employees’ passion for finding the common ground has made us the definitive source for those looking to transcend bias in the media today.  With “fake news”, the “far left” and the “far right”- there is a need from our public for honest and transparent reporting.  We have 110 media organizations across the nation.  Our products reach over 40% of the U.S. online population, and we have over 1.1 billion page views a month.  Did you know we have that digital reach?  Wow.  Also, our cool new reimagined products, powered by emerging technologies, have helped millions of people take action on the things they care about.  We are also active in our communities – giving back.   Our deeply loyal consumers have become our greatest advocates, eager to share and engage.  We are always introducing new ideas for our consumers by delivering novel content experiences for new audiences—an extended spectrum of new original content experiences through innovative apps, exciting products, topical blogs, live streamed events, popular newsletters (see Game of Thrones), cool tech (AR, Voice, AI) and other original content.

None of this could happen without our employees.  Our employees are part of our bigger network—the USA TODAY NETWORK—that brings critical benefits to all American consumers and businesses.  The size of our NETWORK provides the ability for our employees to move to other areas of the organization, or to learn from colleagues in multiple disciplines.  In order to make our vision a reality, we must embrace cross functional teams that can help iterate and connect our consumer and partner strategies.  Our employees are our most important community—and we are transparent and communicative about the impact of their work – their great work!  We want every employee to feel part of our community—activated and empowered to help push our company forward. Our employees are a great barometer for our content—we tap into employees more frequently to see what they find engaging.  A 20,000 person focus group!  Our employees are also part of the communities we support amongst our consumers and advertisers—we want to discover how they are creating positive impacts in those communities as well.

We are at the heart of American life, driving conversation and action every day, across local and national news, sports and entertainment – come and experience work with a passion.
 Together.  We.  Win.

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency

Follow Dave and other USA TODAY NETWORK highlights at: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,  Facebook, The Muse and Gannett Careers

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