Friday, June 16, 2017

The Dentist

How can a trip to the dentist correlate with the work place?  Well, as I sit in the dentist office waiting for my bi-annual checkup - it makes me think about my team.  To maintain good oral hygiene, it is recommended to see your dentist at least twice a year.  To maintain a great team, you should conduct a thorough talent review at least twice a year.

The dentist cleans our teeth, repairs broken teeth or cavities (that will only get worse), and instructs us on how to best maintain our teeth.  As leaders, we need to redirect and lead our people, we need “up skill” or move out under performers (like cavities, if we do not address these under performers, they usually get worse and affect the rest of the team), and we need to continue to raise the bar on expectations and work results.

Every so often we may need a root canal or dental surgery.  Although painful at the time, it will hopefully lead to improved functionality and long-term health.  If we improve our dental hygiene, we may not need it again.  Every so often we are challenged with reductions in force.  And yes, these are painful as well.  Hopefully, this happens infrequently and if we can improve the performance of our team it may not be needed in the future.

I think the moral of this story is that constant and consistent care of your team (or teeth) will lead to long term success (or health).   And that small investments every day will lead to a better end result.

The last question to ask is…why am I writing this from the dentist chair?  

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency

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