Monday, February 13, 2017

Kindness is Currency...Pay it Forward

For many of you who know me, for a few years I have had the quote “kindness is currency” in my email footer.  This is because kindness is the currency which makes everything better.  Recently, I was reminded about why this topic is so important to me when I came across an article in Inc. magazine by Steve Farber.  He cited a book by Jill Lublin called “The Profit of Kindness”.  I was encouraged and intrigued and am glad to see kindness getting more press given all the ugliness our recent political events have stirred up.  Life is too short to be angry or negative. 

Kindness takes on many forms – acts of kindness, words of kindness, thoughts of kindness, and BEING kind.  I think it also has a new take on an old rule we all learned in elementary school -  the “golden rule”.  Yes, we should try to “do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you” …but more importantly we should “do unto others as others would want us to”.  Either way the simple message is to be kind – at home, at play and at work.

At work, if  we are kind, studies show it can generate more customers, quicker feedback, more resources, better connectivity with your teams, new business prospects, better brand image, easier forgiveness of your mistakes, improved employee morale, more fun at work, and even …maybe…this – - we all feel a little better at the end of the day when we go home. 

How we act and react is vitally important.  For example, we all make mistakes, no one is immune to slip ups or errors.  So do you want the Boss who asks “who” made the mistake or the Boss who asks “why” we made the mistake and “how” do we fix it?  One focuses on the person, while the other focuses on the issue.  When you make a mistake at work, how many times do you replay that over in your mind?  Does your Boss focus on replaying the mistake or moving forward with a process fix?    Another example is flexible work.  Does your Boss focus on what time you start and stop or how much work you get accomplished?  Does your Boss focus on where you get the work done or how much work you get done?  We can learn how to be kind AND how to be focused on the right things.  Alert….our Millenial workforce will not stay for managers who are not kind.  They move on and they move on quickly. 

Lublin talks to compassion, flexibility, patience, positivity, generosity, gratitude and connection.  Wow – give me a Boss with those attributes and I am sold. (thankfully I have a wonderful Boss).  Imagine a workplace where we all focused on these simple seven attributes.  Imagine the culture, the comradery, the productivity.  It seems like a simple recipe for success. 

When we, as bosses, treat our employees with kindness, they treat their peers and customers with kindness.  Also, how does your company “treat” your employees?  We are currently embarking on a rewrite of all our “people” policies.  We are writing these with a slant toward “what you SHOULD do” vs “what you SHOULD NOT do”.  A simple twist but it makes a difference. 

Lastly, as noted in the article, how do we GIVE kindness away?  Kindness is not free – it costs time, money, energy.   It requires some sacrifice.  And that sacrifice also has a large payoff.  That payoff is karma.  Pay it forward.

Dave Harmon
People Division
Kindness is Currency

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